Manufacturer, Supplier of Industrial Furnaces & Oven In India

Gas /Oil Fired Ladle Preheaters

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  • Gas /Oil Fired Ladle Preheaters

Gas /Oil Fired / Ladle Preheaters

Heat Shield Technologies offers best-in-class, sophisticated ladle preheaters that are made to fit your requirements and boost productivity. Ladle preheater systems by HST are built with the highest-grade material and latest equipment. We make sure that our preheaters are not only safe to use, but also energy-efficient and easy to operate. Our preheaters feature an innovative hydraulic mechanism which is used to move the top dish up and down to adjust according to the ladle below. We also provide models with fixed top dish and an adjustable bottom trolley equipped with Scissor lift.

Unique Features

  • Application:
    Preheating the ladlefor removing moisture before loading the charge into metal furnace.
  • Fuel Type:
    1.Gas 2.Oil
    (We also provide electric fired ladle preheaters for special requirements)
  • Capacity:
    Custom made


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